Configuration: Difference between revisions

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Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>NonaWax
..hit some kind of keybind for submitting too early, whoops. "but I think it's worth it." anyway, will probably procrastinate on this history section for awhile. added new config stuff
Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>NonaWax
No edit summary
Line 100: Line 100:
|Whether items mined or harvested by [[Contraption]]s should be placed in their mounted storage.
|Whether items mined or harvested by [[Contraption]]s should be placed in their mounted storage.
!colspan="3" style="background-color:#ddd4"|[[Encased Fan]]
|Survival Contraption Pickup
|Whether [[Minecart Contraption]]s can be picked up in survival mode.
|-!colspan="3" style="background-color:#ddd4"|[[Encased Fan]]
|Fan Block Check Rate
|Fan Block Check Rate
Line 494: Line 496:
**Added survivalContraptionPickup config option (Jobieskii)
**Added allowBrewingInMixer config
**Added allowBrewingInMixer config

Revision as of 16:10, 14 December 2022

Create mod has multiple config options that can be used to adjust the Create experience. These settings can be changed in-game at any time through the pause or title screen menu.

They are also located in 3 folders: create-client.toml, create-common.toml, and create-server.toml. Keep in mind the server file is located in each world save rather than in the config folder.

Gameplay Settings

Adjust gameplay mechanics.

Name Caption
Air in Backtank The Maximum volume of Air that can be stored in a backtank = Seconds of underwater breathing
Enchanted Backtank Capacity The volume of Air added by each level of the backtanks Capacity Enchantment
Max Extendo Grip Actions Amount of free Extendo Grip actions provided by one filled Copper Backtank. Set to 0 makes Extendo Grips unbreakable
Max Potato Cannon Shots Amount of free Potato Cannon shots provided by one filled Copper Backtank. Set to 0 makes Potato Cannons unbreakable
Max Symmetry Wand Range The Maximum Distance to an active mirror for the symmetry wand to trigger.
Placement Assist Range
(Used particularly by Shafts)
The Maximum Distance a Block placed by Create's placement assist will have to its interaction point.
Toolbox Range The Maximum Distance at which a Toolbox can interact with Player's Inventories
Also adjusts distance at which Toolbox is accessible with Left Alt
Bottomless Fluid Mode Configure which fluids can be drained infinitely.
Fill Infinite Whether Hose Pulleys should continue filling up above-threshold sources
Fluid Tank Capacity [in Buckets]
The amount of liquid a tank can hold per block.
Fluid Tank Max Height [in Blocks]
The maximum height a fluid tank can reach.
Hose Pulley Block Threshold [in Blocks]
[-1 to disable this behaviour]
The minimum amount of fluid blocks the hose pulley needs to find before deeming it an infinite source.
See Hose Pulley for more information
Hose Pulley Range [in Blocks]
The maximum distance a hose pulley can draw fluid blocks from.
Mechanical Pump Range [in Blocks]
The maximum distance a mechanical pump can push or pull liquids on either side.
Place Fluid Source Blocks Whether open-ended Fluid Pipes and Hose Pulleys should be allowed to place fluid sources
Tickrate Sync Timer [in Ticks]
The amount of time a server waits before sending out tickrate synchronization packets.
These packets help animations to be more accurate when tps is below 20.
Amethyst Movement Configure how Budding Amethyst can be moved by Contraptions.
Harvest Partially Grown Whether Mechanical Harvesters should break crops that aren't fully grown.
Harvester Replants Whether Mechanical Harvesters should replant crops after harvesting.
Max Blocks Moved Maximum amount of blocks in a structure movable by Mechanical Pistons, Mechanical Bearings, or other means.
Max Cart Coupling Length Maximum allowed distance of two coupled minecarts.
Max Chassis Range Maximum value of a chassis attachment range.
Max Piston Poles Maximum amount of Extension Poles behind a Mechanical Piston
Max Rope Length Max length of rope availabe off a Rope Pulley
Movable Obsidian Configure how Obsidian blocks can be moved by Contraptions.
Movable Spawners Configure how Spawner blocks can be moved by Contraptions.
Move Items to Storage Whether items mined or harvested by Contraptions should be placed in their mounted storage.
Survival Contraption Pickup Whether Minecart Contraptions can be picked up in survival mode.
Fan Block Check Rate Game Ticks between Fans checking for anything blocking their air flow.
Fan Pull Distance Maximum distance in blocks where fans can pull entities.
Fan Push Distance Maximum distance in blocks Fans can push entities
Fan Rotation Argmax [in Revolutions per Minute]
Rotation speed at which maximum stats of fans are reached.
Generating Fan Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Rotation speed generated by a vertical fan above fire.
In World Processing Time Game Ticks required for a Fan-based processing recipe to take effect.
Stress Values
Fast Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'fast'
High Capacity [in Stress Units]
Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'high'
High Stress Impact [in Stress Units]
Minimum stress impact to be considered 'high'
Medium Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Minimum speed of rotation to be considered 'fast'
Medium Capacity [in Stress Units]
Minimum added Capacity by sources to be considered 'high'
Medium Stress Impact [in Stress Units]
Minimum stress impact to be considered 'high'
V 2
Adjust stress capacity of generators
Creative Motor N/A
Encased Fan N/A
Furnace Engine N/A
Hand Crank N/A
Steam Engine N/A
Valve Handle Adjusts stress capacity of each individual colored valve handle
Water Wheel N/A
Windmill Bearing N/A
Adjust Stress Impact of any Mechanical Component
Hand Crank Hunger Multiplier multiplier used for calculating exhaustion from speed when a crank is turned.
Crushing Damage Damage dealt by active Crushing Wheels.
Disable Stress Disable the stress mechanic altogether.
Ejector Scan Interval Time in Ticks until the next item launched by an ejector scans blocks for potential collisions
Furnace Engine Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Base rotation speed for the furnace engine generator
Ignore Deployer Attacks Select what mobs should ignore Deployers when attacked by them.
Allowed Values: ALL, CREEPERS, NONE
Kinetic Validation Frequency Game Ticks between Kinetic Blocks checking whether their source is still valid.
Max Belt Length Maximum length in blocks of mechanical belts.
Max Ejector Distance Max Distance in blocks a Weighted Ejector can throw
Max Motor Speed
(Used by Creative Motor and Rotation Speed Controller)
[in Revolutions per Minute]
Maximum allowed speed of a configurable motor. Changing this value will require a restart to take full effect
Max Rotation Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Maximum allowed rotation speed for any Kinetic Tile.
Minimum Windmill Sails Amount of sail-type blocks required for a windmill to assemble successfully.
Water Wheel Base Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Added Rotation speed by a water wheel when at least one flow is present. # speed per water flow
Water Wheel Flow Speed [in Revolutions per Minute]
Rotion speed gained by a water wheel for each side with running fluids. (halved if not against blades)
Windmill Sails per RPM Number of sail-type blocks required to increase windmill speed by 1RPM.
Default Extraction Limit The maximum amount of items a Funnel pulls at a time without an applied filter.
Default Extraction Timer The amount of Ticks a Funnel waits between item transferrals, when it is not re-activated by redstone.
Link Range Maximum possible range in blocks of Redstone Link connections
Mechanical Arm Range Maximum distance in blocks a Mechanical Arm can reach across.
Psi Timeout The amount of Ticks a Portable Storage Interface waits for transfers until letting Contraptions move along.
Vault Capacity The total amount of stacks a vault can hold per block in size.
Allow Brewing In Mixer Allow supported Potions to be brewed by a Mechanical Mixer + Basin.
Allow Casting by Spout Allow Spouts to interact with Casting Tables and Basins from Tinker's Construct.
Allow Regular Crafting in Crafter Allow any standard crafting recipes to be processed by Mechanical Crafters
Allow Shaped Square in Press Allow any single-ingredient 2x2 or 3x3 crafting recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Press + Basin.
Allow Shapeless in Mixer Allows any shapeless crafting recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Mixer + Basin.
Allow Stonecutting on Saw Allow any stonecutting recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Saw.
Allow Woodcutting on Saw Allow any Druidcraft woodcutter recipes to be processed by a Mechanical Saw.
Bulk Cutting Allow the Mechanical Saw to process entire stacks at a time.
Bulk Pressing Allow the Mechanical Press to process entire stacks at a time.
Display Log Stripping Recipes Display vanilla Log-stripping interactions in JEI.
Enable Refined Radiance Recipe Allow the standard in-world Refined Radiance recipes.
Enable Shadow Steel Recipe Allow the standard in-world Shadow Steel recipes.
Light Source Count For Refined Radiance The amount of Light sources destroyed before Chromatic Compound turns into Refined Radiance.
Max Firework ingredients in Crafter The Maximum amount of ingredients that can be used to craft Firework Rockets using Mechanical Crafters.
Schematicannon Delay Amount of game Ticks between shots of the cannon. Higher => Slower
Schematicannon Fuel Usage % of Schematicannon's Fuel used for each fired block.
Schematicannon Gunpowder Worth % of Schematicannon's Fuel filled by 1 Gunpowder.
Schematicannon Skips Amount of block positions per tick scanned by a running cannon. Higher => Faster
Creative Print Includes Air Whether placing a Schematic directly in Creative Mode should replace world blocks with Air
Max Schematic Packet Size [in Bytes]
The maximum packet sized uploaded Schematics are slit into.
Max Schematics [in KiloBytes]
The maximum allowed file size of uploaded Schematics
Schematic Idle Timeout Amount of game TickS without new packets arriving until an active schematic upload process is discarded.
Manual Train Speed Modifier Relative speed of a manually controlled Train compared to a Scheduled one.
Max Assembly Length Maximum length of a Train Stations' assembly track.
Max Bogey Count Maximum amount of bogeys assembled as a single Train.
Trains Cause Damage Whether moving Trains can hurt mobs and players.
Powered Train Stats
Powered Train Acceleration [in Blocks/Second]
The acceleration of powered Trains.
Powered Train Top Speed [in Blocks/Second]
The top speed of powered Trains.
Powered Train Turning Top Speed [in Blocks/Second]
The top speed of powered Trains during a turn.
Train Stats
Train Acceleration [in Blocks/Second]
The acceleration of any assembled Train.
Train Top Speed [in Blocks/Second]
The top speed of any assembled Train.
Train Turning Top Speed [in Blocks/Second]
The top speed of Trains during a turn.

Client Settings

Adjust menus and indicators.

Name Caption
Client Settings
Enable Overstressed Tooltip Display a tooltip when looking at overstressed components.
Enable Rainbow Debug Show colorful debug information while the F3-Menu is open.
Enable Tooltips
(Used on items)
Show item descriptions on Shift and controls on Ctrl
Explain Render Errors Log a stack-trace when rendering issues happen within a moving Contraption.
Fan Particle Density Higher density means more spawned particles.
Filter Item Render Distance [in Blocks]
Maximum Distance to the player at which items in Blocks' filter slots will be displayed
Ignore Fabulous Warning Setting this to true will prevent Create from sending you a warning when playing with Fabulous graphics enabled
Ingame Menu Config Button Offset X
(Affects in-game Esc menu)
Offset the Create config button in the in-game menu by this many pixels on the X axis
The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right)
Ingame Menu Config Button Row
(Affects in-game Esc menu)
Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the in-game menu
Set to 0 to disable the button altogether
Main Menu Config Button Offset X
(Affects starting screen)
Offset the Create config button in the main menu by this many pixels on the X axis
The sign (-/+) of this value determines what side of the row the button appears on (left/right)
Main Menu Config Button Row
(Affects starting screen)
Choose the menu row that the Create config button appears on in the main menu
Set to 0 to disable the button altogether
Maximum Contraption Light Volume The maximum amount of blocks for which to try and calculate dynamic contraption lighting. Decrease if large contraption cause too much lag
Goggle Overlay
Custom Background Overlay The Custom background color to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled
Custom Border Bot Overlay
(Bottom Gradient color for overlay border)
The custom bot color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled.
Custom Border Top Overlay
(Top Gradient color for overlay border)
The custom top color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled.
Custom Colors Overlay Enable this to use your custom colors for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlay
Overlay Offset X Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay
Overlay Offset Y Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay
Placement Assist
(Used for Cogwheels and Shafts)
Indicator Scale Change the size of the Indicator by this multiplier
Indicator Type What indicator should be used when showing where the assisted placement ends up relative to your crosshair
Choose 'NONE' to disable the Indicator altogether
Comfy Reading Slow down a Ponder scene whenever there is text on screen.
Editing Mode Show additional info in the Ponder view and reload scene scripts more frequently.
Ambient Volume Cap Maximum volume modifier of Ambient noise
Enable Ambient Sounds Make cogs rumble and machines clatter.
Mounted Zoom Multiplier How far away the Camera should zoom when seated on a train
(When in third person mode)

World Generation Settings

Name Caption
Disable World Gen Prevents all worldgen added by Create from taking effect
Striated Ores Nether
Cluster Size N/A
Frequency Amount of clusters generated per Chunk.
>1 to spawn multiple.
<1 to make it a chance
0 to disable.
Max Height N/A
Min Height N/A
Striated Ores Overworld
Cluster Size N/A
Frequency Amount of clusters generated per Chunk.
>1 to spawn multiple.
<1 to make it a chance.
0 to disable.
Max Height N/A
Min Height N/A
Zinc Ore
Cluster Size N/A
Frequency Amount of clusters generated per Chunk.
>1 to spawn multiple.
<1 to make it a chance.
0 to disable.
Max Height N/A
Min Height N/A


  • 0.5g:
    • Added survivalContraptionPickup config option (Jobieskii)
  • 0.5e:
    • Added allowBrewingInMixer config
    • Replaced allowBiggerFireworksInCrafter config with maxFireworkIngredientsInCrafter