Copycat Block

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Copycat Blocks can take on the appearance and properties of other blocks. They are generally used for decorative purposes, taking on the texture of another block while retaining the shape and size of narrow panels or steps.



Copycat Blocks are created by using zinc ingots in a stonecutter and selecting the desired shape.

Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Copycat Panel Zinc Ingot
Copycat Step Zinc Ingot


Copycat blocks can take on the appearance and properties (hardness, tool, blast resistance, and luminance) of other blocks. They are generally used for decorative purposes.


There are two methods of placing a copy cat block and assigning its appearance. The first method is to place the copycat blocks with their default appearance, then hold the blocks whose appearance you want to assign in your right hand and right click on the copycat blocks. The decorative blocks are consumed when assigned to a copycat block. If the blocks used have multiple orientations or powered states - logs or lamps, for instance - right click them with the item again to swap between them. In this case, the item is not consumed.

The second method is to hold the decorative block in the off hand while placing copycat block. The copycat block will be placed and assigned the texture of the decorative block in one step.

Both blocks have Placement Assist functionality.


Steps are a quarter of the size of a full block and are always placed horizontally. They can be placed on the side of a block on either the upper or lower half. When placed on the side of a target block while standing to the side, the step will extend horizontally out from the target block either in the far upper or far lower quarters. When steps are placed on the top or bottom of a block, they will always be placed on the half furthest from the player.


Panels are the same thickness as a trap door. They are placed using the same mechanics as a trap door. They can be placed on horizontal or vertical surfaces by clicking while face-on to the target block. Or they can be placed free standing by clicking while facing the target block at a shallow angle..

Breaking and Resetting

Using a Wrench on a copycat block retrieves the assigned material and leaves the copycat block in place with its default appearance. Using a wrench while Sneaking retrieves both the copycat block and the material. The block can also be broken to retrieve both the copycat and the material, though the copycat will be lost if the assigned material requires a certain tier of tool.

Valid Materials

Copycat blocks will accept any full block other than an Entity block, stair block, cauldron, sapling, or a climbable item. One exception is the Barrel, which is tagged with COPYCAT_ALLOW. Unlike steps, panels can accept Bars and Trapdoors. Note that when placing a Redstone Lamp or Rose Quartz Lamp in a copycat, you can right click them to toggle their block state.

In-Game Tooltip

Copycat Panel
Converts any block into a decorative panel. Also accepts Bars and Trapdoors.
When R-Clicked
Applies held item as its material if possible. Click again to cycle orientation or powered state. Use a Wrench to reset the material.


Visualization of how Copycats generate textures.

All textures are automatically generated. Due to this, copycats are also compatible with Resource Packs.

For the sides of the copycat that are smaller than a block, the edge pixels are taken from the assigned block's texture, giving the appearance of the block's border around each of the copycat's borders. For the copycat steps, 4 columns/rows of pixels are taken from either side of the relevant side of the block depending on the copycat's orientation. For copycat panels, 2 columns/rows of pixels are taken from one side, and 1 column/row from the other.

