Input |
Millstone output |
Crushing Wheels output
Allium to Magenta Dye & Purple Dye & Pink Dye |
Amethyst Cluster to Amethyst Shards |
N/A |
7nil | 50% |
Andesite to Cobblestone |
Asurine to Crushed Zinc Ore & Zinc Nugget |
N/A |
30% | 30% |
Azure Bluet to Light Gray Dye & White Dye |
Beetroot to Red Dye & Beetroot Seeds |
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Block of Raw Copper to Crushed Copper Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
Block of Raw Gold to Crushed Gold Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
Block of Raw Zinc to Crushed Zinc Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
Blue Orchid to Light Blue Dye & Light Gray Dye |
2nil | 5% |
2nil | 5% |
Bone to Bone Meal & White Dye
Bone Meal to White Dye & Light Gray Dye
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Cactus to Green Dye
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Calcite to Bone Meal
12% |
12% |
Charcoal to Black Dye & Gray Dye
nil | 210% |
nil | 210% |
Clay to Clay Ball |
3nil | 50% |
3nil | 50% |
Crimsite to Crushed Iron Ore & Iron Nugget |
N/A |
40% | 40% |
Coal to Black Dye & Gray Dye
nil | 210% |
nil | 210% |
Coal Ore to Coal, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Cobblestone to Gravel
Cocoa Beans to Brown Dye |
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Copper Ore to Crushed Copper Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Cornflower to Blue Dye |
Dandelion to Yellow Dye |
2nil | 5% |
2nil | 5% |
Deepslate Coal Ore to Coal, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Deepslate Copper Ore to Crushed Copper Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Deepslate Diamond Ore to Diamond, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Deepslate Emerald Ore to Emerald, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Deepslate Gold Ore to Crushed Gold Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Lapis Lazuli Ore to Lapis Lazuli, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Deepslate Redstone Ore to Redstone Dust, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Deepslate Zinc Ore to Crushed Zinc Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobbled Deepslate |
N/A |
Any Cut Asurine to Crushed Zinc Ore & Zinc Nugget |
N/A |
30% | 30% |
Any Cut Crimsite to Crushed Iron Ore & Iron Nugget |
N/A |
40% | 40% |
Any Cut Diorite to Nether Quartz |
N/A |
25% |
Any Cut Ochrum to Crushed Gold Ore & Gold Nugget |
N/A |
20% | 20% |
Any Cut Tuff to Flint, Gold Nugget, Copper Nugget, Zinc Nugget, Iron Nugget |
N/A |
Any Cut Veridium to Crushed Copper Ore & Copper Nugget |
N/A |
80% | 80% |
Diamond Ore to Diamond, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Diorite to Nether Quartz |
N/A |
25% |
Dripstone Block to Clay Ball |
Emerald Ore to Emerald, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Fern to Green Dye & Wheat Seeds |
nil | 10% |
nil | 10% |
Glowstone to Glowstone Dust |
N/A |
3nil | 50% |
Gold Ore to Crushed Gold Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Granite to Red Sand |
Grass to Wheat Seeds |
25% |
25% |
Gravel to Flint, Sand, Clay Ball |
Ink Sac to Black Dye & Gray Dye |
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Iron Ore to Crushed Iron Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Lapis Lazuli to Blue Dye |
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Lapis Lazuli Ore to Lapis Lazuli, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Large Fern to Green Dye & Wheat Seeds |
Lilac to Magenta Dye & Purple Dye |
Lily of the Valley to White Dye & Lime Dye |
Netherrack to Cinder Flour |
N/A |
nil | 50% |
Nether Gold Ore to Gold Nugget, Nugget of Experience, Netherrack |
N/A |
Nether Wart Block to Nether Wart |
N/A |
25% |
Obsidian to Powdered Obsidian |
N/A |
nil | 75% |
Ochrum to Crushed Gold Ore & Gold Nugget |
N/A |
20% | 20% |
Orange Tulip to Orange Dye & Lime Dye |
2nil | 10% |
2nil | 10% |
Prismarine Crystals to Glowstone Dust & Nether Quartz |
N/A |
Raw Copper to Crushed Copper Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
nil | 75% |
Raw Gold to Crushed Gold Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
nil | 75% |
Raw Iron to Crushed Iron Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
nil | 75% |
Raw Zinc to Crushed Zinc Ore & Nugget of Experience |
N/A |
nil | 75% |
Redstone Ore to Redstone Dust, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |
Terracotta to Red Sand |
Tuff to Flint, Gold Nugget, Copper Nugget, Zinc Nugget, Iron Nugget |
N/A |
Veridium to Crushed Copper Ore & Copper Nugget |
N/A |
80% | 80% |
Wheat to Wheat Flour & Wheat Seeds |
Zinc Ore to Crushed Zinc Ore, Nugget of Experience, Cobblestone |
N/A |