Fluid Pipe

From Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki
Revision as of 17:53, 10 December 2021 by Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>NonaWax (gonna need to add the mc:Copper when blockrender updates, or something.)
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Fluid Pipes are blocks used to transport and deal with fluids.



Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Fluid Pipe Copper Sheet +
Copper Ingot
Copper SheetCopper IngotCopper Sheet

Fluid Pipe4
Smart Fluid Pipe Brass Sheet +
Fluid Pipe +
Electron Tube
Brass Sheet
Fluid Pipe
Electron Tube

Smart Fluid Pipe
Mechanical Pump Cogwheel +
Fluid Pipe
Fluid Pipe

Mechanical Pump
Fluid Valve Iron Sheet +
Fluid Pipe +
Iron Sheet
Fluid Pipe

Fluid Valve


Transferring Fluids

Fluid Pipes require Fluid Pumps to move liquid. Fluid Pumps have a maximum range of 16 blocks around them.

Fluid Pipes can only move one liquid at a time; if different liquids intersect, the pipe will clog.

Smart Pipes can allow only a certain liquid to pass through them.

Fluid Valves can be given Rotational power to toggle a flow.

Fluid Pipes can be adjacent without connecting if they have been made transparent with a Wrench or have a Wooden or Metal Bracket.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Separate adjacent fluid pipes


  • 0.4: Fluid Pipe recipe returns 4 fluid pipes instead of 8. Uses vanilla copper.
  • 0.3: Introduced.