Redstone Additions

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Revision as of 20:54, 7 November 2021 by Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>NonaWax
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Create adds multiple blocks that allow for a finer control over basic Redstone.



Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Redstone Link Redstone Torch +
Brass Sheet +
+ Any Planks
Redstone Torch
Brass SheetOak PlanksBrass Sheet

Redstone Link
Analog Lever Stick +
Andesite Casing
Andesite Casing

Analog Lever
Pulse Repeater Redstone Dust +
Redstone Torch +
Any Stone
Redstone DustRedstone DustRedstone Torch

Pulse Repeater
Adjustable Repeater Redstone Dust +
Clock +
Redstone Torch +
Any Stone
Redstone DustClockRedstone Torch

Adjustable Repeater
Adjustable Pulse Repeater Adjustable Repeater +
Pulse Repeater
Adjustable RepeaterPulse Repeater

Adjustable Pulse Repeater
Powered Latch Redstone Torch +
Redstone Dust +
Lever +
Any Stone
Redstone Torch
Redstone DustLeverRedstone Dust

Powered Latch
Powered Toggle Latch Redstone Torch +
Lever +
Any Stone
Redstone Torch

Powered Toggle Latch


Redstone Link

To toggle the Redstone Link between Sending and Receiving a signal, hold Shift and right click it or right click with a wrench. A Redstone Link in Receiving mode will show a signal dish on the antenna. Assign an item or block to at least one of the two frequency slots, and the Redstone Link will only send or receive signals to or from Links with matching frequency slots.

The Redstone Link has a signal strength of a radius of 127 blocks, which does not require line-of-sight and thus can be placed underground, in a separate structure, etc. Note that the Redstone Link seems to have a 'default state' of OFF, and any Redstone Links that are actively receiving when a world is saved will briefly pulse OFF when the world is loaded again; this can cause unintended behaviors in contraptions that rely upon heavily active Links.

Redstone Links can be remotely controlled using the Linked Controller added in Create 0.3.2.

Analog Lever

Emits a redstone signal with an adjustable strength. Right click to make it higher, shift right click to make it lower.

Pulse Repeater

Emits 1 tick of redstone signal after being powered.

Adjustable Repeater

Can delay a signal by up to 30 minutes. It also extends signals to the specified time.

Adjustable Pulse Repeater

Sends a pulse after delaying for a specified time (up to 30 minutes).

Powered Latch

A signal to one end toggles a redstone signal on, a signal to the side toggles the signal off.

Powered Toggle Latch

Toggles on or off a redstone signal for every redstone pulse it gets.