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Create mod has multiple config options that can be used to adjust the Create experience. These settings can be changed in-game at any time.

Gameplay Settings

Name Caption
Air in Backtank The Maximum volume of Air that can be stored in a backtank = Seconds of underwater breathing
Enchanted Backtank Capacity The volume of Air added by each level of the backtanks Capacity Enchantment
Max Extendo Grip Actions Amount of free Extendo Grip actions provided by one filled Copper Backtank. Set to 0 makes Extendo Grips unbreakable
Max Potato Cannon Shots Amount of free Potato Cannon shots provided by one filled Copper Backtank. Set to 0 makes Potato Cannons unbreakable
Max Symmetry Wand Range The Maximum Distance to an active mirror for the symmetry wand to trigger.
Placement Assist Range
(Used particularly by Shafts)
The Maximum Distance a Block placed by Create's placement assist will have to its interaction point.
Toolbox Range The Maximum Distance at which a Toolbox can interact with Players' Inventories
Also adjusts distance at which Toolbox is accessible with Left Alt
Fill Infinite Whether Hose Pulleys should continue filling up above-threshold sources
Fluid Tank Capacity [in Buckets]
The amount of liquid a tank can hold per block.
Fluid Tank Max Height [in Blocks]
The maximum height a fluid tank can reach.
Hose Pulley Block Threshold [in Blocks]
[-1 to disable this behaviour]
The minimum amount of fluid blocks the hose pulley needs to find before deeming it an infinite source.
See Hose Pulley for more information
Hose Pulley Range [in Blocks]
The maximum distance a hose pulley can draw fluid blocks from.
Mechanical Pump Range [in Blocks]
The maximum distance a mechanical pump can push or pull liquids on either side.
Place Fluid Source Blocks Whether open-ended Fluid Pipes and Hose Pulleys should be allowed to place fluid sources
Tickrate Sync Timer [in Ticks]
The amount of time a server waits before sending out tickrate synchronization packets.
These packets help animations to be more accurate when tps is below 20.
Amethyst Movement Configure how Budding Amethyst can be moved by Contraptions.
Harvest Partially Grown Whether Mechanical Harvesters should break crops that aren't fully grown.
Harvester Replants Whether Mechanical Harvesters should replant crops after harvesting.
Max Blocks Moved Maximum amount of blocks in a structure movable by Mechanical Pistons, Mechanical Bearings, or other means.
Max Cart Coupling Length Maximum allowed distance of two coupled minecarts.
Max Chassis Range Maximum value of a chassis attachment range.
Max Piston Poles Maximum amount of Extension Poles behind a Mechanical Piston
Max Rope Length Max length of rope availabe off a Rope Pulley
Movable Obsidian Configure how Obsidian blocks can be moved by Contraptions.
Movable Spawners Configure how Spawner blocks can be moved by Contraptions.
Move Items to Storage Whether items mined or harvested by Contraptions should be placed in their mounted storage.
Encased Fan
Fan Block Check Rate Game Ticks between Fans checking for anything blocking their air flow.
Fan Pull Distance Maximum distance in blocks where fans can pull entities.
Fan Push Distance Maximum distance in blocks Fans can push entities
Fan Rotation Argmax [in Revolutions per Minute]
Rotation speed at which maximum stats of fans are reached.
To Be Added

Client Settings

Adjust menus and indicators.

Name Caption Description
Goggle Overlay
Custom Background Overlay The Custom background color to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled Adjusts the background of overlays like Kinetic Stats if Custom Colors Overlay is on.
Custom Border Bot Overlay The custom bot color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled. Adjusts the bottom gradient color of the overlay border.
Custom Border Top Overlay The custom top color of the border gradient to use for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlays, if enabled. Adjusts the top gradient color of the overlay border.
Custom Colors Overlay Enable this to use your custom colors for the Goggle- and Hover- Overlay Turns custom colors on or off.
Overlay Offset X Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay Adjust location on X axis
Overlay Offset Y Offset the overlay from goggle- and hover- information by this many pixels on the respective axis; Use /create overlay Adjust location on Y axis
Placement Assist
(Used for Cogwheels and Shafts)
Indicator Scale Change the size of the Indicator by this multiplier Multiplies Indicator size by given number
Indicator Type What indicator should be used when showing where the assisted placement ends up relative to your crosshair
Choose 'NONE' to disable the Indicator altogether
Changes texture of Indicator arrow.
To Be Added

World Generation Settings

Name Caption Description
To Be Added