Crafting Components
The Brass Hand, the Electron Tube, the Integrated Circuit, the Propeller, and the Whisk are all items which function solely as ingredients in crafting recipes for advanced mechanical components.
Name | Ingredients | Crafting Recipe |
Brass Hand | Andesite Alloy + Brass Sheet |
File:Brass Hand (Recipe).png |
Electron Tube | Polished Rose Quartz + Redstone Torch + Iron Nugget |
File:Electron Tube (Recipe).png |
Propeller | Iron Sheet + Andesite Alloy |
File:Propeller (Recipe).png |
Whisk | Andesite Alloy + Iron Sheet |
File:Whisk (Recipe).png |
Mechanical Crafting
Name | Ingredients | Mechanical Crafting Recipe |
Integrated Circuit | Lapis Sheet + Redstone Dust + Polished Rose Quartz + Gold Nugget |
File:Integrated Circuit (Recipe).png |
Mechanical Crafting
Name | Ingredients | Mechanical Crafting Recipe |
Extendo Grip | Brass Ingot + Brass Hand + Cogwheel + Stick |
File:Extendo Grip (Recipe).png |