Radial Chassis

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Revision as of 07:16, 3 April 2022 by Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>Gg-lb-10
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The Radial Chassis is a block used to connect Contraptions.



Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Radial Chassis Any Log +
Andesite Alloy
Oak Log
Andesite AlloyOak LogAndesite Alloy
Oak Log

Radial Chassis


Connecting Structures

Radial Chassis are used to rotate a cylinder of blocks around them when powered by a Bearing. You can right click on the sides while holding a Slimeball (in the old versions or Super Glue in the new versions) to make them sticky, and again to apply it to all sides. The radius of affected blocks can be changed per chassis with a Wrench. Hold pour faire défiler tous les châssis connectés.