Steam Engine

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Revision as of 12:37, 22 November 2022 by (talk)
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The Steam Engine is a block meant to provide Rotational Force and the highest Stress Capacity. As of its introduction into 0.5, it has replaced the Furnace Engine as the premier source of power.



Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Steam Engine Golden Sheet +
Andesite Alloy +
Copper Block
Golden Sheet
Andesite Alloy
Copper Block

Steam Engine


Steam Engines can be placed on Fluid Tanks. At least 4 Fluid Tanks and 1 heat source block are required to make a functioning Steam Engine, which uses Water as fuel. A Shaft can be used on the engine to make a kinetic output. Steam Engines generate power based on the heat sources present, amount of water, and size of the boiler; extra Steam Engines will not increase the power generated unless the boiler meets these criteria. All passive heat sources generate the same amount of heat. Higher level boilers consume water faster, so water will need to be input faster.

More power can be generated with the help of Blaze Burners, which produce varying amounts of heat depending on their state. At higher power levels, more Steam Engines are required to extract rotational power from the boiler. Power levels can be inspected by viewing the boiler with Engineer's Goggles. The maximum level is 18, producing 294,912 su.

Display Link

The Boiler can be a source for Display Links, outputting a similar display to what is viewable with Engineer's Goggles.


  • Steam Engines can overstress seperately. This means that if one overstresses, the rest will continue to generate su. This makes it possible to make a steam engine that never binds up.
  • The Steam Engine replaced the Furnace Engine present in Create versions before 0,5,


  • 0.5: Introduced.