Zinc Ore

From Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki
Revision as of 02:28, 30 May 2021 by Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>ManMagic0 (assed trivia, and relized that this page is bacily a copy of the 'zinc' page, just with the ore gen info, did not mean for it to turn out this way but there you go)
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Zinc Ore - an ore found underground, and an item obtained by mining it. Can be smelted into zinc ingots or crushed into crushed zinc ore.

Can be found between y levels 0-80, and most common around y level 30


  • Zinc Ingot — an item created by smelting zinc ore or crushed zinc ore.
  • Crushed Zinc Ore — an item obtained by crushing zinc ore or zinc blocks. Can be smelted into zinc ingots or washed into zinc nuggets.
  • Zinc Nugget — an item that can be crafted into a zinc ingot. Can be used to craft the Andesite Alloy.
  • Brass Ingot — a material used in many recipes. Obtained by mixing Copper and Zinc.
  • Crushed Brass — an item that can be smelted into brass ingot.


  • Zinc Block — a block used for compact zinc storage, and to create the base/pyramid for a beacon.


  • By far the most effective way to process Zinc ore is first use a pair of Crushing Wheels, by doing this you can have an extra 30% chance to get 2 more crushed Zinc instead of the usual 1, then use Bulk Washing on the Crushed Zinc to get 10 Zinc Nuggets per Crushed Zinc and a chance to get 5 more Nuggets, then craft the nuggets into ingots with Auto Packing or crafting.