Mechanical Crafter

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Mechanical Crafters are machines that can automatically craft items.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Breaking[edit | edit source]

Breaking time[Note 1]
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Mechanical Crafter Electron Tube +
Brass Casing +
Crafting Table
Electron Tube
Brass Casing
Crafting Table

Mechanical Crafter3

Usage[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

Right click the front of a Mechanical Crafter with a Wrench to change the direction it sends items during crafting. The Mechanical Crafters are only connected by this path.

Mechanical crafter setup, with added arrows showing required blocks orientation to set up successfully. Also note the cog used to operate the crafter setup.

Mechanical Crafters can be automatically filled by Funnels or Hoppers.

On the back and sides of Mechanical Crafters, a Wrench can be used to connect or disconnect the inventory of two adjacent crafters. Crafters can share inventories while not participating in the same crafting recipe.

Items can also be inserted or removed by hand.

Mechanical crafter piece, with added arrow showing orientation as indicated by the block design

Power[edit | edit source]

Each Mechanical Crafter has an internal gear that can only be powered by adjacent Mechanical Crafters or any size Cogwheel. This means only 1 Mechanical Crafter in a setup needs to be powered by a Cogwheel.

Auto-Crafting[edit | edit source]

When powered by rotational force and either powered with Redstone or all crafter slots are filled, Mechanical Crafters will send their items to adjacent crafters. For a successful recipe, the items must eventually meet in one crafter. Once all of the items reach the final Crafter, they will turn into the product. Crafters with Crafter Slot Covers act as empty spaces in a recipe; they can also be used to connect the inventory of otherwise separate crafters. Crafter Slot Covers will not move as recipe items will.

Powered Mechanical Crafters will start crafting once every Mechanical Crafter has been filled, or when they receive a redstone signal.

Mechanical Crafters are able to assemble invalid crafting recipes, but will eject the items once they are together instead of turning them into the crafting product.

Automating Crafting[edit | edit source]

Directly adjacent slots can be merged. This means that recipes that involve a block or ring of one material, such as andesite alloy, will hold only that one item type. The material can then be fed in via a hopper from the side.

A crafter setup crafting a Mechanical Arm. You can tell which crafters share inventories and which do not by the borders. The crafters along the bottom allow one hopper to provide both with the ingredients.

Output[edit | edit source]

Once a recipe is assembled in the final Crafter, the item will either be placed into the inventory of the block the Crafter's path sends items to, or will be ejected into the world at that side of the Crafter if no such block exists.

If the final Crafter directs the finished product back into the recipe, the item must be manually removed from the Crafters by a player.

Mechanical Crafting Exclusive Recipes[edit | edit source]

Certain recipes cannot be crafted with regular Crafting tables and require the use of Mechanical Crafters. Those recipes include:

Name Ingredients Mechanical Crafting Recipe
Crushing Wheels Andesite Alloy +
Any Planks +
Any Variant of Stone
Andesite AlloyAndesite AlloyAndesite Alloy
Andesite AlloyAndesite AlloyOak PlanksAndesite AlloyAndesite Alloy
Andesite AlloyOak PlanksStoneOak PlanksAndesite Alloy
Andesite AlloyAndesite AlloyOak PlanksAndesite AlloyAndesite Alloy
Andesite AlloyAndesite AlloyAndesite Alloy
Mechanical Crafting21
Crushing Wheel2
Extendo Grip Brass Ingot +
Precision Mechanism +
Stick +
Brass Hand
Brass Ingot
Precision Mechanism
Brass Hand
Mechanical Crafting9
Extendo Grip
Potato Cannon Andesite Alloy +
Precision Mechanism +
Fluid Pipe +
Copper Ingot
Andesite AlloyPrecision MechanismFluid PipeFluid PipeFluid Pipe
Copper IngotCopper Ingot
Mechanical Crafting7
Potato Cannon
Wand Of Symmetry Any Glass +
Ender Pearl +
Precision Mechanism +
Brass Ingot +
GlassEnder PearlGlass
Precision Mechanism
Brass Ingot
Mechanical Crafting7
Wand Of Symmetry

Throughput (Speed)[edit | edit source]

Mechanical crafter setup with all the chains of connected crafters, and their length highlighted. You can see that the longest is 6.

There are 2 variables that effect the crafting speed of the Mechanical Crafter: RPM and the length of the longest chain/chains of connected crafters in the crafting setup. A chain of connected crafters is A chain of crafters targeting each other with the next crafter in the chain being the crafter targeted (See image on the right).

Formulas for calculating[edit | edit source]

To calculate the exact number of game ticks it take to craft one recipe (gt/1), use this formula:

s=min(max(RPM,4),250)gt/1=floor(2000/s+1)+floor(500/s+1)+floor(Max(100,s+1)/speed+1)*(longestcrafterschain1)+floor(1000/s+1)*(longestcrafterschain1)To calculate the exact number of recipes per second (r/s), divide the number of game ticks by 20:


History[edit | edit source]

  • 0.5e: Replaced allowBiggerFireworksInCrafter config with maxFireworkIngredientsInCrafter
  • 0.5a: Crafter ponder scene no longer uses an outdated recipe
  • 0.3.2e-&-f:
    • Connected Mechanical Crafters now strictly distribute added items from top to bottom, left to right
    • Added the option to prevent a Mechanical Crafting recipe from matching a flipped arrangement
    • Crafters no longer display item sprites vertically flipped
    • Crafters now arrange overlapping items less randomly
  • 0.3.2: Added Mechanical Crafting noises
  • 0.3.1:
    • Front face of crafters now supports automatic item insertion
    • Large cogs can no longer be placed right next to crafters or millstones
  • 0.3: Crafters can no longer be covered when while they are holding an item
  • 0.2.3: Condensed mechanical crafting into one JEI page category, scaling down slots if necessary
  • 0.2: Introduced.

fr:Établi mécanique