Powered Latch

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The Powered Latch emits a redstone signal that can be toggled on or off by other signals.

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Powered Latch Redstone Torch +
Redstone Dust +
Lever +
Any Stone
Redstone Torch
Redstone DustLeverRedstone Dust

Powered Latch

Usage[edit | edit source]

Much like a Lever, the Powered Latch can be right-clicked to turn it on or off. It emits a redstone signal that can be toggled on or off by other signals.

When powered from the side, the Powered Latch is turned off. When powered from the back, the Powered Latch is turned on.

History[edit | edit source]

  • 0.2: Introduced.