Rope Pulley

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The Rope Pulley creates Contraptions much like a Mechanical Piston, but in only one direction and without the need for Piston Extension Poles.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Rope Pulley Andesite Casing +
Wool +
Iron Sheet
Andesite Casing
White Wool
Iron Sheet

Rope Pulley

Usage[edit | edit source]

The Rope Pulley can extend downwards 256 blocks before stopping (Configurable.) It is most commonly used for excavating or simple elevators. The rope of the pulley is climbable while disassembled.

Use Block Attachment Utilities to push more blocks. Rope Pulleys directly above the Contraption at the same level of the main Rope Pulley will synchronize with the main pulley. Synchronized Pulleys do not require Rotational Force.

The Rope Pulley's current length can be monitored with a Threshold Switch.

History[edit | edit source]

  • 0.5.1:
    • A Rope Pulley's rope can now be climbed.
    • Added Pulley Synchronization.
  • 0.5:
  • 0.4: Can now extend up to 256 blocks.
  • 0.2: Introduced.