Andesite is used as an important material in machine crafting, and can also be cut into new decorative blocks.
Create adds new generation for Andesite. It spawns in layers between Y -30 and 70 alongside either Tuff, Veridium, and Smooth Basalt, or alongside Scoria, Tuff, and Diorite.
Cobblestone can easily be farmed (from water and lava, see numerous tutorials online). Diorite itself is made from cobblestone and Nether quartz.
Name |
Ingredients |
Block Cutting Recipe |
Any Andesite Variant
- 0.4:
- Removed Cobblestone, Fancy Bricks, Chiseled, Paved, Mossy, and Overgrown variants.
- Added Small Bricks and Cut variants.
- Added layer generation.
Blocks |
| Contraption Blocks | |
| Kinetic Blocks | |
| Item Transportation | |
| Generators | |
| Redstone Components | |
| Kinetic Appliances | |
| Fluid Transportation | |
| Other | |
| Metal Blocks | |
| Decoration | |
| Glass | |
| Windows | |
| Palette Blocks | |
| Removed Machines | |
| Removed Palettes | |