Copper Backtank

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Revision as of 21:52, 30 July 2021 by Create: Minecraft Mod Wiki>Feonid (fixed error)
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The Copper Backtank carries pressurized air.



Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Copper Backtank Andesite Alloy +
Shaft +
Copper Ingot +
Copper Block
Andesite AlloyShaftAndesite Alloy
Copper IngotCopper BlockCopper Ingot
Copper Ingot

Copper Backtank


When placed, the backtank can be filled with air via Rotational Force. When worn it provides 4 (🛡🛡) armor points. Currently, it is only used with the Extendo Grip, Diving Helmet, and Potato Cannon. When used with the Diving Helmet it can provide up to 15 minutes of Water Breathing.


A copper backtank can receive the following enchantments:

Name Max Level Method
Capacity III Enchanting TableAnvil
Fire Protection IV Enchanting TableAnvil
Projectile Protection IV Enchanting TableAnvil
Blast Protection IV Enchanting TableAnvil
Protection IV Enchanting TableAnvil
Thorns III Enchanting TableAnvil
Curse of Vanishing III Anvil
Curse of Binding III Anvil


Version Changes
  • Added the Copper Backtank
  • Fixed backtanks and other animated bits rendering with wrong light values.
  • Copper backtanks can no longer accumulate air pressure when waterlogged.
  • Copper backtanks now emit a comparator output.
  • Fixed backtank not rendering on all player models.