Crafter Slot Cover

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Crafter Slot Covers are used to denote empty spaces in Mechanical Crafter setups.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Crafter Slot Covers are useful for recipes such as those for Buckets or Glass Bottles, where the items are diagonal and empty spaces are unavoidable in a Mechanical Crafter.

Slots with a Crafter Slot Cover in them will be ignored, and do not need to be filled for the Mechanical Crafter to complete a recipe. This way, using a redstone signal to force a crafting is not necessary.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Crafter Slot Cover Brass Nugget
Brass NuggetBrass NuggetBrass Nugget

Crafter Slot Cover

History[edit | edit source]

  • 0.3: Introduced.