Rose Quartz

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Rose Quartz is a material used to create Polished Rose Quartz and the Rose Quartz Block.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Name Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Rose Quartz Nether Quartz +

Redstone Dust

Nether QuartzRedstone DustRedstone Dust
Redstone DustRedstone DustRedstone Dust
Redstone DustRedstone DustRedstone Dust

Rose Quartz

Usage[edit | edit source]

Rose Quartz may be used to make Polished Rose Quartz. To do this, the player must hold Sand Paper in their offhand, Rose Quartz in their main hand, and right click. The polished version will drop on the ground.

Rose Quartz
Sandpaper Polishing
Polished Rose Quartz

Block Cutting[edit | edit source]

Rose Quartz can be put into a Stonecutter or through a Mechanical Saw to create the decorative Rose Quartz Block.

Name Ingredients Stonecutting Recipe
Rose Quartz Block Rose Quartz

ru:Розовый кварц