Calcite is a decorative vanilla block.
Create adds new generation for Calcite. It spawns in layers between Y -30 and 70 alongside either Asurine, Tuff, and Deepslate, or alongside Limestone and Diorite.
Name |
Ingredients |
Block Cutting Recipe |
Any Calcite Variant
- 0.4: Added new decorative variants.
Blocks |
| Contraption Blocks | |
| Kinetic Blocks | |
| Item Transportation | |
| Generators | |
| Redstone Components | |
| Kinetic Appliances | |
| Fluid Transportation | |
| Other | |
| Metal Blocks | |
| Decoration | |
| Glass | |
| Windows | |
| Palette Blocks | |
| Removed Machines | |
| Removed Palettes | |