Tutorials/Andesite/Andesite Alloy Production

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Andesite Alloy Automation[edit | edit source]

Method 1[edit | edit source]

  1. Place down 2 Millstones [Millstones A and B], each with cobblestone generator above it to obtain Gravel.
  2. Feed A's gravel into a bulk washing machine using an Encased Fan to obtain Flint (and Iron nuggets as a by-product. You can make an Iron farm with these nuggets.)
    Bulk Washing
    Flint25%Iron Nugget12%
  3. Obtain Infinite Lava - There is a few ways to do this: 1) Lava above Pointed Dripstone, with a Cauldron below and a Fluid network to move said lava; 2) With the default Config, create and then attempt to drain a source of lava with 10,000+ fluid blocks with a Hose Pulley.
  4. Feed the flint, B's gravel and the lava into a Basin below a Mechanical Press to obtain Andesite
  5. Use the Iron Ingot generator to feed a second basin with iron nuggets and feed this second basin also with the andesite from the previous basin.
  6. Use a mixer with the basin, and andesite alloys will be made.

Method 1b[edit | edit source]

This method of producing Andesite Alloy is made for technical players. In the long run, this farm does not produce any by-products, but at the beginning it might have trouble getting all the resources because the wash recipes use probabilities, so it might not be a bad idea to back up the system at the beginning.

Items Needed[edit | edit source]

Steps[edit | edit source]

  1. Connect a Cobblestone farm to three pairs of Crushing Wheels (Crushing wheels A, B and C).
  2. Split the output of A into three outputs (A1, A2 and A3)
  3. Merge the first two outputs with the Gravel of the other two pairs of crushing wheels B and C.
  4. Now the products of A1, B and C get washed.
  5. Put the Flint and the gravel from A2 in a Basin and pump lava in before you can compact them. This mechanical press produces Andesite.
  6. Deposit this Andesite and the nuggets (from the washed gravel) into another basin and place a Mechanical Mixer over it to obtain Andesite Alloy .

(pictures may come soon)

Efficiency[edit | edit source]

This technique produces 1 Andesite Alloy for every 9.54 Cobblestone.

Method 2[edit | edit source]

(Notice: I explained how to get andesite alloy, but there should be some more images if someone's got time)

Combine an iron farm with an andesite farm using a basin with a mixer on top

Iron farm[edit | edit source]

Make a cobblestone generator. Then use a millstone:


Then use an encased fan to make iron ingots:

Bulk Washing
Flint25%Iron Nugget12%

Throw away the flint and Voila! you get the iron.

Andesite farm[edit | edit source]

Like the iron farm start with a cobblestone generator then mill the cobblestone into gravel.

  1. Then crush the gravel into sand.

After that haunt the sand into soul sand.

Bulk Haunting
Soul Sand

Then, we wash the soul sand:

Bulk Washing
Nether Quartz412%Gold Nugget2%

With the nether quartz, we combine cobblestone obtained from a second cobblestone generator to make diorite. Same with the diorite, we combine it with cobblestone to make andesite. This way we obtain andesite from cobblestone generators without using lava.